Registration Information

You must be approved before you can register for any exam, with the exception of PACT exams. An exam may be taken if one of the criteria described below is met.

NOTE: These certification routes do not apply to every exam or assessment offered in the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program.

Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Candidates

If you are fulfilling the requirements in an EPP approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC), you must receive approval from your EPP to take a certification exam.

There are several types of teacher training programs:

After you receive approval from your EPP, if you are a first-time testing candidate, you must go to the TEA website at (click "ECOS for Educators" on the top toolbar) and create a TEA Login (TEAL) account. When you create your account, you will complete an Educator Profile and obtain a TEA ID number. You will be able to view your approved exams in your Educator Profile under "View Examinations."

Once you have viewed your approved exams, go to the online registration system on this website and create a testing account. (See "Creating Your Testing Account" below.) You will register to test through your testing account on this website.

If you want to register for an exam that does not appear in your list of approved exams, you must get approval from your EPP to take that exam. Once you have approval to test, you can go to your testing account on this website and register to test.

Further information about EPP programs and a list of approved EPPs is available on the TEA website .

Out-of-State/Out-of-Country Candidates

If you hold a standard certificate issued by another state, a U.S. Territory, or another country and are seeking to be certified in the equivalent field(s), you must have your credentials reviewed by TEA. More information about credential reviews and test exemption eligibility is available on the TEA website's out-of-state certifications page .

To have your credentials reviewed, you must go to the TEA website at and click "ECOS for Educators" on the top toolbar to create a TEA Login (TEAL) account. When you create your account, you will complete an Educator Profile and obtain a TEA ID number. Once your account is created, you can complete an online application for review of credentials and submit the appropriate documents to TEA. After your credentials have been reviewed, you will be emailed information regarding the TExES content-pedagogy certification exams that you are approved to take.

Once you have approval to test, go to the online registration system on this website and create a testing account. (See "Creating Your Testing Account" below.) You will register to test through your testing account on this website.

Certification-by-Exam (CBE) Candidates

If you hold a bachelor's degree and a Texas classroom teaching certificate, you may add classroom certification areas by successfully completing the appropriate examination for the area(s) you are seeking.

If you already have an Educator Profile on the TEA website and a TEA ID number, use your TEA ID number to create a testing account on this website and register for an exam. (See "Creating Your Testing Account" below.) A list of exams that you are eligible to take will be displayed in your testing account. This is where you will register to test. If you do not know your TEA ID number, go to your Educator Profile on the TEA website to retrieve it.

Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT) and Charter School Candidates

The Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT) route allows individuals to demonstrate content proficiency for possible admission into an educator preparation program (EPP) by passing the appropriate content exam before being admitted. Taking a PACT exam is not required for all candidates and does not ensure admittance into a preparation program. EPPs may have additional admission requirements. Some Texas charter schools may require their teachers to take a PACT exam to demonstrate content mastery in their assignment. Note that passing a PACT exam does not qualify teachers for a standard Texas educator certificate.

If you are a first-time PACT or Charter School candidate, you must go to the TEA website at (click "ECOS for Educators" on the top toolbar) and create a TEA Login (TEAL) account. When you create your account, you will complete an Educator Profile and obtain a TEA ID number. Once you have obtained a TEA ID number, go to the online registration system on this website and create a testing account. (See "Creating Your Testing Account" below.) You will register to test through your testing account on this website.

Individuals who hold a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university or are scheduled to receive a bachelor's degree are allowed to take a PACT content exam for purposes of admission into an alternative certification or university post baccalaureate educator preparation program. More information about testing eligibility requirements is available on the Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT) page.

Intensive Pre-Service (IPS) Candidates

Intensive pre-service is an educator assignment supervised through an educator preparation program that provides candidates the opportunity to practice content pedagogy and pedagogy skills in a classroom setting with instructional support. The intensive pre-service (IPS) route requires candidates seeking an intern certificate to successfully complete the pre-service educator training and demonstrate requisite subject-matter knowledge by passing the appropriate content certification exam (PACT). If you are an IPS candidate testing for the first time, you must go to the TEA website at (click "ECOS for Educators" on the top toolbar) and create a TEA Login (TEAL) account. When you create your account, you will complete an Educator Profile and obtain a TEA ID number. Once you have obtained a TEA ID number, go to the online registration system on this website and create a testing account. (See "Creating Your Testing Account" below.) You will register to test through your testing account on this website.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Candidates with Specialized Skill and Experience

The Trade and Industrial Education 6–12, Marketing 6–12, and Health Science 6–12 certifications require specialized skills and experience in addition to testing. Generally, you will need approval from an EPP or a district to take these exams. They will review your qualifications and experience. These requirements are listed in TAC §233.14 . Step-by-step instructions for school districts and EPPs are available on the TEA website's Career and Technical Education page . When those steps are complete, TEA will add approval for you to register for the appropriate exam.

TEA Division of Educator Certification and Testing is not responsible for approving certification-by-exam or charter school candidates. Candidates with questions regarding testing approvals should submit a TEA Help Desk ticket .

Exemptions for Individuals with Hearing Impairments

If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, you may be exempt from the TExES testing requirements. Texas Education Code §21.048 allows certain individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to be issued a Temporary Exemption Certificate allowing them to teach in Texas public schools. Texas Administrative Code §230.25(b)(1) requires "a report by a licensed audiologist documenting that the candidate has a hearing impairment so severe that the person cannot process written linguistic information." Also note that an individual who is exempted from TExES testing requirements will be unable to certify by examination later in his/her career. Visit the TEA website for more information.

Please note that if your certification requires the Texas Assessment of Sign Communication (TASC), the Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language (TASC–ASL) and/or the TExES American Sign Language (ASL) exam(s), you must pass these exams to qualify for the certificate.

Your TEA Account and Your Testing Account

Information About Your Name

The first and last name shown in your TEA account must exactly match the first and last name on the ID documents you will present on the day of the exam.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the first and last name on your appointment confirmation match the ID documents you will present on the day of the exam. If your ID documents do not match the name you use when you register, you may be prohibited from testing, your exam fees may be forfeited and/or your exam scores may be canceled.

Be sure to review the Identification Policy closely.

If your TEA and testing accounts have already been created, please confirm that the name on your ID documents still matches the name that appears in your accounts. If they do not, you must submit a name change request to TEA .

Accessing Your TEA Account

Go to the TEA website at and click on the "TEAL Login" on the top toolbar.

If you have already established a new TEA Login (TEAL account), enter your username and password to access your Educator Profile.

If you have not yet established a TEAL account, review "Help for Educator Account Setup," click "Request New User Account," and follow the step-by-step instructions. Once your TEAL account is fully established, you will have access to your Educator Profile.

Review the information in your Educator Profile often and before registering on this website to ensure it remains current and matches your first and last name exactly as it appears on your ID (excluding your suffix or middle name).

It is important that your TEA Educator Profile contains your mailing address, email address, and phone number. All updates and corrections to your TEA Educator Profile must be done on the TEA website; be sure to click the Continue button to save your updates. You should check the TEA website on a regular basis to make sure all of your information is current. (See "Correcting or Updating Your TEA Educator Profile" below.)

Your TEA Educator Profile will contain your assigned TEA ID number. A TEA ID number is used for identification throughout the certification and exam registration process. You must know your TEA ID to set up your Pearson testing account.

Correcting or Updating Your TEA Educator Profile

Changes to your mailing address, phone number, or email address can be made at any time. Simply log into your TEAL account to access your Educator account.

If you need to make a change to your name, gender, or date of birth, you must submit appropriate documentation as described under Name Change on the TEA website . Here you will see instructions for documenting and submitting change requests. Keep in mind that all name changes must be made in conjunction with your primary ID documents. The name in your TEA account must match your testing account and the ID you present at the test center.

Once the appropriate documentation has been received, it will take approximately 12 business days for the requested change to appear in both your TEA account and your testing account. You are responsible for verifying that the requested change has been made in both accounts. Only after you have verified that your name has been changed should you schedule an exam appointment.

If you have an existing appointment, name changes must be completed and appear in your TEA account and testing account at least 48 hours prior to your exam appointment. If your name change has not been completed by that time, you should reschedule your exam to a later date to allow time for your name change to be completed. If you do not reschedule your appointment and the name on your ID documents does not exactly match your exam registration when you arrive at the test site, you will not be allowed to test and you will not be eligible for a refund or credit of any kind.

Creating Your Testing Account

You must create a testing account the first time you access the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program online registration system.

You may use a different email address and password for your testing account than you did on your TEAL account; however, all other information must be identical to the information you entered in your TEAL account. Be sure to enter your full name exactly as it appears on your ID.

Select Register and follow the guidelines for creating an account in the registration system. You must create an account in the registration system on this website. This is where you will register to test and schedule your exam appointment. You cannot register to test through your account on the TEA site.

You must provide your TEA ID number, your first and last name, and your date of birth.

After you create your testing account

You will be able to:

You cannot update your TEA Educator Profile through your testing account on this website. You must go to the TEA website at to update your TEA Educator Profile. (See "Correcting or Updating Your TEA Educator Profile" above.)

Be sure to record your username and password and keep them in a secure place for future use. Remember that the personal information entered in your testing account on this website must match the information in your TEA Educator Profile.

ID Policy

You are responsible for ensuring that the name shown in your testing account exactly matches (excluding suffix, middle name or initial, spaces, and special characters such as hyphens, accents, and apostrophes) the first and last name on the ID documents you will present at the test center. The name you use when you register is the one that will appear on your admission information.

If your ID documents do not match the first and last name you use when you register (excluding suffix, middle name or initial, spaces, and special characters such as hyphens, accents, and apostrophes), you will be prohibited from testing and your exam fees will be forfeited.

If your TEA Educator account and your testing account on this website have both already been created, please confirm that the name on your ID documents still matches the name that appears in your accounts. If they do not, you must request a name change from TEA at least 12 business days before your exam date.

You must bring to the exam administration two pieces of original (no photocopies or digital ID) and valid (unexpired) identification, printed in English in the name in which you registered. Your identification must contain your name, a recent recognizable photograph, and your signature.

Your primary identification must be one of the following government-issued IDs: