List the article title in quotes after the author. The journal title goes after the article title and is italicized.
comma vol period 67 comma no period 1 comma 2004 comma pp period 33-49 period" />
After the publication date, include the database in italics and then the DOI or permanent link to the article.
After the publication date , include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it .
comma vol period 10 comma no period 3 comma 2007 period Michigan Libraries Digital Collections comma doi colon 10.3998/3336451.0010.302 period" />
List the article title in quotes after the author . The magazine title goes after the article title and is italicized.
Clubs period quotation mark School Library Journal comma 1 June 2009 comma p period 16 period" />
After the publication date , include the database in italics and then the DOI or permanent link to the article .
comma vol period 42 comma no period 3 comma May/June 2010 comma pp period 14-16 period Education Full Text (H period W period Wilson) comma search dot ebscohost dot com/login dot aspx?direct=true&db=eft&AN=504424250&scope=site period" />
After the publication date , include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it .
comma vol period 85 comma no period 24 comma 10 Aug period 2009 comma p period 26 comma www dot newyorker dot com/magazine/2009/08/10/the-courthouse-ring period Accessed 3 Oct period 2016 period" />
List the article title in quotes after the author . The newspaper title goes after the article title and is italicized. If article isn't on consecutive pages, cite the section and page number where the article begins, then put "+" after the page number.
If there is no author, start with the article's title, omitting a, an, or the from the beginning.
mark USA Today comma 19 Jan period 2010 comma p period 4B period" />
After the publication date , include the database in italics and then the DOI or permanent link to the article .
After the publication date , include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it .
Start with the author of the article
After the handout title, add the description "Student handout " and the name of the college.