Languages of truth : essays 2003-2020

From 'Best of the Booker' winner Salman Rushdie, an incisive and inspiring collection of non-fiction essays, criticism and speeches that takes readers on a thrilling journey of the evolution of language and culture. Gathering pieces written between 2003 and 2020, including several never previously in print, Languages of Truth chronicles a period of momentous cultural shifts. Across a wide variety of subjects, Rushdie delves into the nature of storytelling as a deeply human need, and what emerges is a love letter to literature itself. Throughout, Rushdie shares his personal encounters, on the page and in person, with storytellers from Shakespeare and Cervantes to Samuel Beckett, Eudora Welty, and Toni Morrison, and revels in the creative lines that can join art and life. Always attuned to the malleability of language, Rushdie considers the nature of truth, and looks anew at migration, multiculturalism and censorship. Written with the author's signature wit and energy, Languages of Truth offers pleasure and insight in equal measure, confirming Rushdie's place as one of the most original and important thinkers of our time

Part One -- Wonder Tales -- Proteus -- Heraclitus -- Another Writer's Beginnings -- Part Two -- Philip Roth -- Kurt Vonnegut and Slaughterhouse-Five -- Samuel Beckett's Novels -- Cervantes and Shakespeare -- Gabo and I -- Harold Pinter -- Paris Review, The Art of Fiction, Vol. IV -- Autobiography and the Novel -- Adaptation -- Notes on Sloth -- Hans Christian Andersen -- David Remnick's King of the World -- Very Well Then, I Contradict Myself -- Part Three -- Truth -- Courage -- Texts for PEN -- Christopher Hitchens -- The Liberty Instinct -- Osama Bin Laden -- Ai Weiwei and Others -- The Half-Woman God -- Nova Southeastern University Commencement Address 2006 -- Emory University Commencement Address 2015 -- Part Four -- The Composite Artist: the Emperor Akbar and the Making of the Hamzanama -- Amrita Sher-Gil: Letters -- Bhupen Khakhar (1934-2003) -- Being Francesco Clemente: Self-Portraits at the Gagosian Gallery, London, 2005 -- Taryn Simon: An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar at the Whitney Museum, New York, 2007 -- Kara Walker at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 2009 -- Sebastião Salgado -- The Unbeliever's Christmas -- Carrie Fisher -- Pandemic: A Personal Engagement with the Coronavirus -- The Proust Questionnaire: Vanity Fair

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