Membership in the Questioned Documents Section
Members of the Questioned Documents Section objectively examine and evaluate documents in order to provide information regarding their source or authenticity. This includes the forensic examination of handwriting, typewriting, office machine impressions, inks, papers, obliterations, and the recovery of latent handwriting indentations.
My membership in the Questioned Documents section has not only allowed me to obtain excellent training, but it has also introduced me to document examiners from all over the world. - Karen J. Nobles MFS
Section Leadership
Linton Mohammed, PhD
Section Board Director
Kevin Kulbacki, MSFS
Section Chair
Tobin Tanaka, BSc
Section Secretary
Hear from a Document Examiner
Individuals applying for membership in the Questioned Documents Section shall have the scientific, technical, skill and experience to be engaged in the examination of Questioned Documents. This can include: Physics of Light Pertinent to Forensic Document Examination Procedures, Typewriter Examination Devices, Physical Properties and Matches of Paper, Writing Instruments and Inks, Handwriting, Alterations, Obliterations and Erasures of Documents, Printing Processes, Computer Printers, Photocopiers and Facsimiles.
Recent Questioned Documents Section News
Section News | Questioned Documents
Message From the QD Section Chair
Justice Talks | Questioned Documents
Exploring Unintended Consequences: The Erosion of Institutional Knowledge of Investigative.
AAFS News | Questioned Documents
Annual Dues Raffle Winner Announced
Section News | Questioned Documents
QD Section Updates
Section News | Questioned Documents
Reminders for QD Section Members
Section News | Questioned Documents
Questioned Documents Section Call for Abstracts
Section News | Questioned Documents
Seeking Ordway Hilton Award Nominations
Section News | Questioned Documents
Maureen Casey-Owens Award Recipient
Section News | Questioned Documents
Questioned Documents Conference Reminders
Entry Level Categories
Student Affiliate
Academy Requirements Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, an applicant for Student Affiliate status must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program that would support a forensic science career accepted by the section to which application is being made. Each Student Affiliate must certify eligibility annually with the AAFS.
Student Affiliate status may be maintained for two consecutive calendar years beginning at the end of the calendar year within which graduation occurs. During the two-year period, once employment in a forensic discipline recognized by a section of the AAFS is attained, Student Affiliates will be required to upgrade their membership to Trainee Affiliate or Associate Member. Section Requirements AAFS Basic Requirements for Student Affiliate must be fulfilled.
Trainee Affiliate
- AAFS Basic Requirements for Trainee Affiliate must be fulfilled, and
- In addition to annual eligibility certification, a Trainee Affiliate may not continue in this status for more than four (4) years before either applying for Associate Member or reapplying for Trainee Affiliate status. Justification for reapplication will be contingent upon acceptance by the section Executive Committee. If an applicant has not begun a Questioned Documents training program, but their employer supports one and the applicant has been accepted to begin one, the employer must provide specifics on when the program will begin and information on the credentials of the principal trainer; and
- Submit one (1) letter of reference. Reference must be a full Member or Fellow of the Questioned Documents Section of the AAFS and must be able to comment knowledgeably on the applicant's training program. Exceptions to this requirement may be considered for applicants residing outside of the United States and Canada, in which cases, the reference may be from one person other than a Member or Fellow of the Academy. This reference will be evaluated and will be accepted if approved by a majority vote of the members present at an annual business meeting of the section. Since the AAFS Board of Directors approval occurs before the section business meetings, those seeking a waiver of requirements will be delayed approval of the application for one (1) year.
Associate Member
Academy Requirements
Academy membership shall be available only to those persons of professional competence, integrity, and good moral character:
- who are actively engaged in the field of forensics sciences and who have made some significant contribution to the literature of forensic sciences, or
- who have advanced the cause of forensic science in some other significant manner, and
- who satisfy the requirements for membership of the section applied to or recommended for, and
- who have earned a baccalaureate or higher academic degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or the United States Department of Education, or from a non-U.S. college or university bearing equivalent accreditation.
Section Requirements
- AAFS Basic Requirements for Associate Member must be fulfilled; and
- Must have an earned baccalaureate or higher academic degree from an accredited college or university; and
- Have successfully completed and documented formalized training in the field of questioned document examination for at least two (2) years duration from a recognized questioned document laboratory or under the direct supervision of document examiners who are Members or Fellows of the Questioned Documents Section of the Academy, or a voting member of ASQDE, or who are Diplomates of the ABFDE (the section recognizes ASTM 2388-11 and the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Document Examination ((SWGDOC Standard for Minimum Training Requirements for Forensic Document Examiners)) as the basic guides for fundamental training in the field); and
- Be actively engaged or employed full-time in the examination of questioned documents for at least two (2) years, independent of any program of training, and for that period must be personally responsible for conducting and reporting such examinations without technical supervision; and
- Two (2) letters of reference. References must be full Members or Fellows of the Questioned Documents Section of the AAFS and must be able to comment knowledgeably on the applicant's qualifications. Exceptions to this requirement may be considered for applicants residing outside of the United States and Canada, in which cases, one or both references may be from persons other than Members or Fellows of the Academy. These references will be evaluated and will be accepted if approved by a majority vote of the members present at an annual business meeting of the section. Since the AAFS Board of Directors approval occurs before the section business meetings, those seeking a waiver of requirements will be delayed approval of the application for one (1) year.
Promotion Categories
To Member
Academy Requirements
The criteria for promotion are applicable to all members seeking promotion to Member or to Fellow. Applications must be received and completed by October 1 to be considered for approval at the AAFS annual conference.
The criteria for original membership, as stated in the bylaws for the AAFS Basic Requirements, still apply to promotions:
Membership shall be available only to those persons of professional competence, integrity, and good moral character:
- Who are actively engaged in the field of forensic sciences and who have made some significant contribution to the literature of forensic science, or
- Who have advanced the cause of forensic science in some other significant manner; and
- Who satisfy the requirements for membership of the section applied to or recommended for; and
- Who have earned a baccalaureate or higher academic degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or the United States Department of Education, or from a non-U.S. college or university bearing equivalent accreditation.
In addition, the following criteria for service to the AAFS and to forensic science in general are used:
- Service to the AAFS. This includes attendance at the annual conferences and participation in the program. Attendance at a minimum of one (1) conference is required for advancement from Associate Member to Member and one additional conference for advancement from Member to Fellow. However, if exigencies such as workload requirements, finances, or ill health preclude such attendance, this will be taken into consideration. It is AAFS policy that members who exhibit at the annual conference must pay the conference registration fee, if the exhibitor wishes to receive continuing education credit or count the conference attendance toward fulfilling a requirement for membership promotion.
- Service in the general area of forensic sciences. This is intended to recognize the individual who performs outstanding service in the execution of his/her regular responsibilities but who, in so doing, is unable to excel in other endeavors.
- Service in the area of forensic science research. Any contribution which the individual has made since his/her admission to the AAFS, or latest advancement will be given consideration.
- Service in the area of forensic science education or training. Any effort (either by formal or informal curricula) to disseminate the scientific information which the individual has acquired throughout his/her career will be considered.
Section Requirements
While serving as an Associate Member, the applicant must:
- Fulfill the AAFS Basic Requirements for Promotion; and
- Register and attend a minimum of two (2) annual conferences of the Questioned Documents Section of the AAFS. The conference at which the title of Associate Member was conferred, if attended, may be counted; however, the conference at which the title of Member is being considered shall not be counted; and
- Present at least one (1) technical paper or participate in the scientific program of the Questioned Documents Section. Participation may include serving as a moderator or panelist at an AAFS annual conference, publication in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, or participation on a working committee within the Questioned Documents Section.
References not required.
To Fellow
Academy Requirements
The criteria for promotion are applicable to all members seeking promotion to Member or to Fellow. Applications must be received and completed by October 1 to be considered for approval at the AAFS annual conference.
The criteria for original membership, as stated in the bylaws for the AAFS Basic Requirements, still apply to promotions:
Membership shall be available only to those persons of professional competence, integrity, and good moral character:
- Who are actively engaged in the field of forensic sciences and who have made some significant contribution to the literature of forensic science, or
- Who have advanced the cause of forensic science in some other significant manner; and
- Who satisfy the requirements for membership of the section applied to or recommended for; and
- Who have earned a baccalaureate or higher academic degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by one of the regional accrediting bodies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or the United States Department of Education, or from a non-U.S. college or university bearing equivalent accreditation.
In addition, the following criteria for service to the AAFS and to forensic science in general are used:
- Service to the AAFS. This includes attendance at the annual conferences and participation in the program. Attendance at a minimum of one (1) conference is required for advancement from Associate Member to Member and one additional conference for advancement from Member to Fellow. However, if exigencies such as workload requirements, finances, or ill health preclude such attendance, this will be taken into consideration. It is AAFS policy that members who exhibit at the annual conference must pay the conference registration fee, if the exhibitor wishes to receive continuing education credit or count the conference attendance toward fulfilling a requirement for membership promotion.
- Service in the general area of forensic sciences. This is intended to recognize the individual who performs outstanding service in the execution of his/her regular responsibilities but who, in so doing, is unable to excel in other endeavors.
- Service in the area of forensic science research. Any contribution which the individual has made since his/her admission to the AAFS, or latest advancement will be given consideration.
- Service in the area of forensic science education or training. Any effort (either by formal or informal curricula) to disseminate the scientific information which the individual has acquired throughout his/her career will be considered.
Section Requirements
While serving as a Member, the applicant must:
- Fulfill the AAFS Basic Requirements for Promotion; and
- Register and attend a minimum of two (2) annual conferences of the Questioned Documents Section of the AAFS. The conference at which the title of Member was conferred, if attended, may be counted; however, the conference at which the title of Fellow is being considered shall not be counted; and
- While serving as an Associate Member or Member, present at least one (1) technical paper that is accepted for publication by the Journal of Forensic Sciences, Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, IAI Journal, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Science International, or Science & Justice.
References not required.
All AAFS Sections
AAFS is organized into 12 sections that encompass many forensic science disciplines. AAFS is honored to have more than 6,500 members from around the globe.
- Anthropology
- Criminalistics
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- General
- Jurisprudence
- Forensic Nursing Science
- Odontology
- Pathology/Biology
- Psychiatry & Behavioral Science
- Questioned Documents
- Toxicology
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