do not certify deaths as due to the failure of any organ, without specifying the disease or condition that led to the organ failure. Failure of most organs can be due to unnatural causes, such as poisoning, injury or industrial disease. This means that the death will have to be referred to the coroner if no natural disease responsible for organ failure is specified. Examples:
- Ia. Renal failure
- Ib. Necrotising-proliferative nephropathy
- Ic. Systemic lupus erythematosus
- II. Raynaud's phenomenon and vasculitis
Avoid terminal events, modes of dying and other vague terms
- Terms that do not identify a disease or pathological process clearly are not acceptable as the only cause of death. This includes terminal events, or modes of dying such as cardiac or respiratory arrest, syncope or shock. Very vague statements such as cardiovascular event or incident, debility or frailty are equally unacceptable. 'Cardiovascular event' could be intended to mean a stroke or myocardial infarction. It could, however, also include cardiac arrest or fainting, or a surgical or radiological procedure. If no clear disease can be identified as the cause of death, referral to the coroner will be necessary
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Part II
Part II should be used when one or more conditions have contributed to death but are not part of the main causal sequence leading to death. Part II should not be used to list all conditions present at death. For example, diabetes mellitus may have hastened the death of the patient in Example 1
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In this case, the certificate should be completed as follows:
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Interval between onset of conditions and death - if possible, it is also important to state the approximate interval between the onset of each condition and death for Parts I and II, as this information is used for coding purposes. For example, the following intervals might be appropriate
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General points
- where appropriate in Part I and II, you should give information about clinical interventions, procedures or drugs that may have led to adverse affects
- if you use a term such as 'cerebrovascular accident', which may be misinterpreted by a lay person as implying violence, take care to explain it to the relatives
- avoid abbreviations such as CVA, MI or PE on the certificate. This also applies to medical symbols. Inclusion of such ambiguous terms may delay registration
- bronchopneumonia is a common terminal event in patients with a major chronic illness. Do not write bronchopneumonia as the sole cause of death if another condition(s) can be identified as the Underlying Cause of Death
- Manchester City Council (2007). Death Certification Guidance for doctors certifying cause of death.
- Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust (Accessed 22/6/12). Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Notes for Doctors