Discovery Health Tax Certificates

Every year, Discovery Health issues a medical tax certificate to its members, which serves a critical function during the tax filing season. Submitting your medical tax certificate to SARS during the tax filing season is not just a regulatory requirement but a beneficial practice that can lead to substantial tax returns.

This guide will walk you through the medical tax certificates from Discovery Health. Let’s dive in and help you make the most of your medical tax benefits.

What is a medical tax certificate?

The primary purpose of a medical tax certificate is to detail your medical expenses, including contributions to your medical aid and any additional out-of-pocket medical expenses. This information is essential when submitting your tax returns to the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

By accurately reporting these expenses, you can potentially qualify for tax credits and deductions, which are designed to provide financial relief by reducing the amount of tax you are liable to pay. This benefit is crucial for many as it alleviates the significant financial burden that medical costs can place on individuals and families.

How to get a tax certificate from Discovery Health

To obtain a medical tax certificate from Discovery Health, you can follow these steps:

Using the Discovery Mobile App:

Using a Desktop Computer:


Getting your annual medical tax certificate from Discovery Health can provide essential benefits that can alleviate the financial impact of healthcare costs.

Remember, timely submission of this certificate along with your tax returns to SARS is crucial to harness these benefits fully. Make the most of your medical expenses and optimize your tax benefits to keep your financial health as strong as your physical health.